Northern California Senior Softball Association
Nov 1, 2015 – Updated Jan 23, 2020
Hello NCSSA Members,
My name is Al Soares and I’m the new Webmaster for the NCSSA. I was given the privilege of building a new website and as of November 1st the new website is This website is hosted at GoDaddy and built with WordPress software which powers 25% of the Internet. Hopefully, you’ll find this website easy-to-use and provides more information then previous websites. I’ll be at the December Manager’s meeting to give a brief discussion of the website and answer any questions. You can also contact me @
The website has 2 main sections: the “Blog” and the rest of the website. The Blog allows authorized individuals (not the Webmaster) to post information to the website such as; team rosters, tournament brackets and rankings. This means information will be posted sooner then before. The Webmaster will maintain the rest of the website.
Home Page – is divided into an upper and lower section. The upper section contains announcements while the lower section contains the Blog divided into 3 sub-sections. The lower left sections contains the 10 Most Recent Posts. The middle sections contains the next 10 Tournaments. The lower right section contains a Driving Distance calculator, Blog Categories and Blog Archive Folders.
Tournament Schedule – the tournament schedule is stored by Calendar Year so click on the appropriate year to view that years schedule. Each tournament listed will contain location, dates and tournament director contact information. Click the Tournament Name/City to go to the Event Calendar for more information regarding that particular tournament. The Event Calendar will have all the detail information plus Flyer, Brackets, Results and link to Google maps. Remember, the next 10 tournaments will be listed on the Home Page in the lower center section. The Tournament page will contain a 2 page schedule summary in PDF format.
Rosters – it was decided to keep previous year rosters on the website so make sure you are checking the current year when checking/printing rosters. New rosters will be posted to the Blog by the Roster Chairman/Recording Secretary. Then the Webmaster will post the rosters to the current roster year page.
Rankings – are now listed in the Blog under the category “Rankings”. Make sure you are checking the latest rankings as previous rankings will also appear in the Rankings category.
In closing, please browse every page on the website to familiarize yourself with the layout and content of the website. You can’t break it! If you have any questions please contact me @
Remember, “Just hit the damn ball”.
Al Soares
NCSSA Webmaster