Hall of Fame Nominations Open

Attention all NCSSA Hall of Fame members, it is time for Hall of Fame Nominations.  According to HOF procedure only Hall of Fame members or the NCSSA Board of Directors can nominate potential inductees, after the nominations are closed, the Hall of Fame committee will provide a Hall of Fame qualified ballot to all HOF members and the Board of Directors to vote and determine our next class of HOF members.  If you have any questions about eligibility, please refer to the HOF Nomination Procedure on the website.

As a previously inductee to the NCSSA Hall of Fame, it’s your turn to help someone else receive that honor, please send either a message, an email, or call with your contact information to:

Don Angle  [email protected], (209) 573-3369

I will provide you with the procedure and the forms necessary to nominate up to two candidates, deadline to submit nominations is August 1st.


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