Player Looking for a “2022” 60-65 Team

Howdy y’all,

I would like to be placed on a 60-65 team for 2022. My current 65 team, Redwood City Blues, is moving to 70s and I don’t qualify.
I’m usually a pretty good hitter & I seldom make a defensive error.
First Base is my favorite/best position but I can and will play anywhere. I play a lot of infield in my SCC Vintage league.
I’m a team player and don’t get upset..,except at my s%+#y performance.
I like long walks on the beach and puppies….and John Wayne movies
References can be provided, just don’t call my sister or my high school girlfriend
I’ve played ball for many, many years….softball with Viejitos, Cobras (Jed Smith), No Limit (Vern d), RC Blues.

Thanks very much
Kevin Austin


Posted in Players/Teams - Available/Wanted

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